Posted on Aug 21, 2017
Over 100 volunteers and their children gathered at West Bank Park Saturday to put together the KaBoom Playground that will be a major feature of the now-impressive landmark. In the opening ceremony to the work session, Rotary was on every speaker's lips.
"Rotary was instrumental in helping us get the funding match we needed to make this project a go," said Patty Reardon, interim manager of City Parks and Recreation.
Rotarians were also much in evidence on the program. Rob Rezek explained to the volunteers the specific role Rotary played in the project. Amy Beames spoke on behalf of Benefis, another major donor to the project. Lacey Gallagher was on hand to provide safe and entertaining games for the kids while their parents worked on the construction.
A great day for a great project for Great Falls. Once again, Rotary makes things happen!  


Lacey Gallagher and Amy Beams