Can you believe it? We got it done! Our bridge is ready to ROLL - or more precisely, be rolled on.
More can and will be said. But for now, just think of where we were just a short time ago: our signature project threatened; the fix more than daunting. Yet we got it done.
There is a can-do spirit about our club that is not just contagious. It's empowering. We saw what needed to be done, we set our minds to it, and that meant it was gonna get done. This is a moment of celebration for all of us. But two Rotarians and one government agency in particular really got this done.
Our fantastic partnership with the United States Forest Service got it done, a relationship whose foundation was laid by Ken Munski's expertise, patience and charisma. Ken's contribution was matched by that of John Juras, who simply dogged this project day in and day out like it was cycling. And in a sense it is.
Congratulations, Rotarians. And thank you, thank you, Ken and John. This is one bridge that was not too far.