Annually under the direction of Rotarian Bill Harp, we honor the Scouts who have earned their Eagle Scout badge. The scouts who were able to attend this year’s lunch were:
- Michael Artery, who painted the train museum in Conrad for his project
- Samuel Collins, who made extensive improvements to one of the city's parking garages
- Matthew Houlihan, who painted a new multipurpose room at City Church
- James Peterson, who improved the landscaping for the Quality of Life Headquarters in Great Falls
- Alexander Thares, who renovated the Zach Ramsay Memorial Garden at Whittier School
- Andrew Wambach, who rebuilt the porch at the Fort Shaw wash house.
Also of interest to Rotarians, although he did not attend the ceremony, is the project of Oscar Lake, who redesigned the fences between the cabins at Camp Rotary, facilitating better maintenance.
Judge Bob Holter gave an inspirational message about the role that Boy Scouts had played in his life as the child of a widowed mother of limited means. He walked us through the Boy Scout Code of Conduct and illustrated how the maxims there are really timeless, applying equally well today. As usual, the luncheon was an inspirational time to reflect on timeless values and to celebrate those values put into action by a group of remarkable young people.